Argentum Counselling

Edyta Johnston BACP Accredited Psychotherapist


The Bare Minimum? – Antidote to burnout.

The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose.

The bare minimum. We are told that the bare minimum is something negative.

“Your son is not doing well at school. To be honest, he is giving only a bare minimum to not get into trouble – but this is not enough to be successful with his exams”.

“You are giving me a bare minimum in this relationship, which is unacceptable”.

But what if the bare minimum is the way to protect your sanity?

What is the bare minimum you need to do in a day?

Why am I asking? Is it not important? Because, of course, you will not dream of only doing the bare minimum. You are professional, and you will give 110% each day. You are a loving spouse and parent, and you will not want to perform only on the bare minimum – since it is not good enough.

Is it not?

What would happen if you were doing the bare minimum for seven days?

What is the bare minimum, then? The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose.

Of course, it depends on the purpose. What is the minimum amount of walking you should do a day? NHS says 10 minutes of brisk walking. In general, 150 minutes a week of exercise is a bare minimum. So, 2.5 hours a week.

What is the bare minimum of work you need to do each day?

Does it feel uncomfortable If I ask such a question? But why? Are you afraid of the consequences of not being a 110% person? Not being promoted? Being let go? Not standing out?

But the bare minimum would seem adequate, acceptable, and suitable.

Why are we persuaded we need to give more and work harder?

Why are we convinced that the bare minimum is enough for what we like to do, even though doing the bare minimum will not bring any monetary benefits?

Instead, we do 110%, burn out, and feel horrible – being stuck in the cycle of anxiety and shame - just doing the best we can to reach our full potential.